Friday, August 30, 2013

What is the point?

That is a good question... what is the point of working in a job you hate, in an atmosphere that is draining your health and spirit?...also what is the point of this blog?

Hello, my name is Alicia, I am 32 years-old and working as a Sr. Staff Accountant at a large national company…boring! I have been unhappy in my work for about five years. Over time I began to realize that literally ALL of the productive hours of my day are spent sitting in front of two computer monitors all day, staring at tiny little numbers and counting other people's money. While this is fulfilling work for many satisfied folks out there in the world, it is a soul-sucking and health-draining experience for me. With the goal of completely changing my career and finding passion in my work, I am in school training to be a Certified Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

My inspiration in signing up for this school came four years ago while undergoing three radiation treatments to treat Thyroid Cancer. The doctors were not able to answer my questions about what was happening to my body so I started to do my own research and discovered my passion for holistic health and nutrition. I have also been struggling with "yo-yo" weight loss and gain for over a decade while trying many fad diets only to watch the weight that I did lose come back along with an extra 10 - 20 pounds every time. Currently I am 100 pounds overweight.  

Here is my point: In this blog I will be sharing my journey as a Health Coach in Training, while I discover the best way for my body to lose weight and heal itself of cancer. When I am certified as a Health Coach I will be able to share my knowledge and experience with others who desire to lose weight and gain good health holistically and permanently. 

Stay tuned!!