Friday, October 18, 2013

Primary Foods: Career

Wow, this is a huge one for so many people and definitely a big one for me! I have been struggling with dissatisfaction at my job for about 4 years now. The past two years being the hardest. While I am on the path to changing my career with my schooling at IIN, the level of stress and negative energy that comes from working at my job has gotten to a perilous level.

Two days ago I came home from work in a state of such anger, sadness and resentment that it oozed out of me and right into my husband. It was so palpable I could almost see the actual bad energy being absorbed by him. This sent him into a state of extreme stress and he closed himself off. For anyone who knows my husband you know that closing off is a stark contrast from his usual demeanor and a cause for high concern. While he had been dealing with his own stressors at the time, I do believe that what I brought into the house with me that day was the last straw and completely overwhelmed him.

So there we were both feeling terrible and there was happy-go-lucky Asa not having a clue as to what just happened. The rest of the night was shrouded in negative energy. We all went to bed. In the morning I felt better and Asa was happily oblivious still, but when Aaron got up it was clear that he did not feel better. By the middle of the day, after a few cajoling texts from me, he finally texted me to say that he was sorry he was feeling extremely stressed and didn’t know where it was coming from… I knew where it had come from and I felt awful! I told him I thought it was mostly because of my bad mojo and I was sorry for bringing it into the house.

It was at this point that I made a decision. This crappy job has got to go! The money and security is absolutely not worth the hardship it causes me and my family. I started writing a proposal to my boss to figure out the best scenario for me and my family that will also benefit the company. I have worked out three different scenarios, two in which I will work part-time and either get paid as an employee or as a contractor, in both the company saves money and I get more time to pursue my passions. The third scenario is I give a one –month notice and resign. While I am hoping for one of the first two scenarios I am fully prepared to accept that they may just let me resign without offering me anything to stay. If I do have to resign I will look for another job, but rest assured I will be enjoying the hell out of the time off!

I have needed to practice self-care for the last 10 years. When my best friend died ten years ago I needed a break. I was working full time during the day and going to school full-time at night. I stuck it out and paid the price five years later when I was diagnosed with cancer. I needed a break then as well. The diagnosis surgery and subsequent radiation treatments were overwhelming to say the least, but I pushed through and did not take a break. Through all of this I continued to work in a job that created high levels of stress and dissatisfaction. Today, I am 100 lbs over-weight, stressed to the max, my body is in constant pain everyday and I have a hard time doing any of the physical activities I enjoy. I am at a point now where I feel if I don't make drastic changes soon I will be setting myself up for another health disaster.

Witnessing how my stress level affected those I cherish and how my suffering every day affects my husband was the last straw for me. Money does not buy happiness, doing it for the money or the stability is a piss poor excuse for not taking care of myself. It is not an excuse I will be using anymore!

Now is the time to take care of myself! Life is now, it does not happen yesterday or tomorrow, it is now in every single moment we are alive and breathing, life is now and now is the time to live life authentically and to our fullest potential.  

Wishing you a fulfilling and authentic life!

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