Sunday, November 10, 2013

Write a Book!

In the past three months I have encountered the idea of writing a book twice. Once through a webinar by Andrea Beaman about her Master Coaching in Action Program and again when I visited the website of one of the IIN lecturers Karen Witzig Rozell. Karen and her husband Drew wrote a book called Write Now.

According to both websites the reasons to write your own book as a Health Coach are; to get clear about the message you want people to know, narrow down your target market, attract the kind of people you want to work with and to increase your sales. You can use your book as a glorified business card!

I am intrigued by this idea and after thinking about writing a book for my Health Coaching practice I decided that just starting with the first steps; writing my thesis/mission statement and creating an outline, would really help me get focused on what I have to offer my clients. I will be able to answer questions such as: What am I an expert in and what will my clients gain from working with me? Once I have completed these steps I can then tailor my program around that message and have a solid direction to move in.

I believe this concept can be applied to other areas of life as well. Are you feeling like you are floundering or wandering aimlessly through life with no real direction? Or maybe you know where you want to go but the process of getting there is overwhelming and cloudy?

Try creating a thesis/mission statement and an outline for your life. What is the single most important goal in your life right now? Use that as your mission statement, now start creating an outline for accomplishing that goal. When you start filling in the pieces of your outline you will begin to understand the action steps needed to achieve your goal.

Here's a very simple example:

Mission Statement: Cooking with Greens is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.
Chapter 1: Cooking Utensils
Chapter 2: Purchasing and Storing Greens
Chapter 3: Methods for preparing and cooking greens
Chapter 4: Recipes

When you fill in all the chapters of this outline you will have the knowledge and experience necessary to increase the greens in your diet and become more healthy. You can apply this strategy to going on vacation, getting the job you want, and any other goal that you have.

I will definitely be doing this for my Health Coaching practice and I encourage you to try it out for your own goals, see if it helps you get a clear picture of what you really want. Who knows, when you are done maybe you will even have a book to publish ;-)

Wishing you success in reaching your goals!

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