Monday, November 4, 2013

Primary Foods - Career - Part 2

Just two weeks to get a response in writing! My boss took my proposal seriously and we were able to come to an agreement. My last day as a full-time employee will be on the 22nd. After that day I will continue working on a temporary part-time basis at an hourly rate. I am very happy to say that is the outcome I had hoped for!

This experience has been empowering to say the least. Sending the email to my boss was very hard for me because I knew once I did, there was no turning back. I was scared to step outside of my comfort-zone and take a risk. I have never been a risk taker and living that way landed me in a career that I didn't enjoy and was sapping away the love and joy from all it was providing. Fear can be debilitating and it can rob you of your dreams. One of the most valuable things I have learned from IIN and something they say a lot throughout the curriculum is “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. It is okay to feel afraid but don't let it stop you from going after what you really want.

It is scary to follow your dreams, to step outside the box and move in a direction that is full of unknowns. However it is also exciting, energizing, amazing and life-saving to take a chance and go for what you truly believe in and live your life as you know you were meant to.  Since I made a decision to stop being “comfortable” and start living authentically for me I have had unbelievable energy and motivation. I am actively working towards getting my Health Coaching business started, I sleep better at night, I am completely motivated to take care of myself and I am finally losing weight! I know it’s going to be challenging from here on in and I am absolutely ready for it.

Are you ready to step outside your comfort zone, move forward inspite of your fear and take a chance at what you really love?

Wishing you strength and ambition as you follow your dreams!

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