Sunday, September 1, 2013

Moody Blues


I have been experiencing feelings of extreme anxiety, depression, anger, weariness and debilitating stress along with extreme sugar and alcohol cravings over the past 3 or 4 years. In recent months it had been getting to a point that I felt completely out-of-control and desperate for a solution. 

I believe many people who have these feelings and cravings will agree it is a losing battle of willpower and physical cravings. The circle of guilt and shame surrounding these cravings only adds fuel to the fire and makes it impossible to lose weight and feel healthy. This is exactly what I was experiencing, so I decided that before I could follow a healthy eating plan and change my lifestyle permanently I first needed to address these extremely debilitating moods and cravings that were defeating every attempt I made to be healthy.

One of the books I read while doing my own nutrition research is called “The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying OurBrains and Harming our Children” written by Carol Simontacchi. I highly recommend this book to everyone, it explains the effect that processed foods have on our brains and how that can lead to psychological disorders and diseases. 
In Carol's book she talks about another book called “The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge ofYour Emotions—Today” written by Julia Ross. After reading “The Crazy Makers” I became interested in the idea of how food affects our moods and state of mind and as my own mental well-being started to spiral downward I decided that I needed to read this book by Julia Ross.

Here is an excerpt directly from Julia Ross’s Mood Cure website:

“We're in a bad mood epidemic. Depression and anxiety have tripled in the last ten years. The Mood Cure explains why and provides the good news that we can feel better emotionally, without the use of caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, or anti-depressants-and the even better news that we can begin to see the results in just one day. The Mood Cure is a comprehensive natural approach that jump-starts your program with brain-fueling amino acids combined with a high-protein, healthy-fat, veggie-rich diet and other nutritional strategies.” –

The knowledge I have gained about essential amino acids could very well be my saving grace. I have been taking 3 supplements regularly for eleven days with profound changes affecting me already; in the first day even. The uncontrollable cravings for sugar and alcohol have disappeared. My mood, outlook on life and sleep have all greatly improved. I am better able to deal with stress at work and in daily life. My husband has reported that he has noticed a significant difference in my demeanor and is ecstatic with the changes! Specifically he has told me that since starting these supplements I have become more physically affectionate and I laugh, smile and play of my own accord without any prompting or coaxing. 

I believe that the stress and hardship of losing a close dear friend in a car accident 10 years ago and then being diagnosed with cancer and the subsequent surgery and radiation treatments had severely depleted my brain stores of the essential amino acids that help deal with stress successfully. These supplements are helping to restore the appropriate levels in my brain. With diet and lifestyle changes I will eventually not need the supplements anymore, for the time being these supplements are giving me what I need to stop the cravings and get motivated to make necessary changes for losing weight holistically.

I strongly recommend this book to anyone experiencing severe mood problems, go the Mood Cure website, fill out the questionnaires and find out if this book can help you. I am amazed at the results. I am now ready and motivated to move on to the next step :-)

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