Sunday, September 29, 2013

Primary Foods: Social Life

I have no social life to speak of outside my household. I work all day in a cubicle by myself, then I spend my nights and weekends with my Husband and Step-Son, whom I love very much and enjoy spending time with. However, everyone needs to disconnect from their life sometimes, to socialize with someone who is outside your immediate circle and to talk about your struggles with people who are experiencing the same things.

What better way is there to improve this Primary Food than to start a weight-loss support group? This will be addressing two Primary Foods at the same time; Social Life and Health. I have weight loss goals of my own to reach and going it alone is proving to be ineffective. I have used weight-loss support groups in the past and they were very effective. This group will be more intimate and will  focus on bio-individuality to help members achieve their goals. 

In one of our modules for IIN we watched a lecture from Dr. Mark Hyman, author of the "Blood Sugar Solution" and many other books. He spoke about a plan he created called the Daniel Plan. To implement this plan he approached a church community of 14 thousand people and had all these people agree to enroll in the Daniel Plan. They met in small groups for six weeks and in that time they lost a total of 160,000 pounds! In the lecture Dr. Hyman states that our social networks determine our behavior, for example;  if your social network is a community of like minded people with similar goals to your own, you are more likely to reach your goals and vice versa. I agree with Dr. Hyman wholeheartedly, it is much easier to make permanent healthy changes when you have support from people who are doing the same thing. 

In the right Weight-Loss Support group you can:
  • Find a solid support system.
  • Stick to your goals for your health and weight.
  • Learn from your fellow members, and figure out what works for your body and lifestyle.
  • Have Fun and Socialize!

If you are trying to lose weight I urge you not to go it alone, look for a weight-loss support group in your area or start one of your own. If you live in my area and are looking for a support group to help you achieve your weight-loss goals please consider joining mine! My Flyer is below.

Wishing you whole health and happiness!

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