Thursday, October 10, 2013

All you need is Love

Today is my 33rd Birthday. When I came downstairs this morning to get ready for work there was a large vase of beautiful yellow roses and lilies, a giant over-sized card that my step-son Asa made for me himself and a prettily wrapped box from my husband Aaron and Asa.  My Mom called me this morning to wish me a Happy Birthday. There was a card in the mail box from my Mother-in-Law and her Husband and I received many well wishes from friends and family on Facebook and through text messages.  All  acts of love and kindness.

I believe the purest love a person can experience is the love of a child. There is something that pulls at the deepest level of your heart when you know you're loved by a child.  The love of my step-son Asa is even more meaningful to me. We do not have the same kind of parent-child bond that he has with his Mom and Dad, but we have built our relationship over the past five years and have grown to love and respect each other very much.
Asa called me from his Mom’s house this morning to wish me a Happy Birthday, to tell me he loves me and he hopes I have a good Birthday. This expression of his love moved me to tears of joy. I am a very fortunate person to have earned his love and I am grateful for it.

I realized after my phone call with Asa just how much of an impact a small act of love can have. It was three minutes out of his day but it meant the world to me.

In reflecting on my life today I asked myself “So what have I learned in 33 years of living?”. I came to the conclusion that the one most important thing I have learned is that The Beatles were right… All you need is love and love is all you need. Giving and receiving love is paramount to any other activity of life; without love babies fail to thrive and grow, without love elderly and sick people die sooner, without love no human is happy and fulfilled. Love is all we need and love is all around.

Please spend five minutes every day, starting today, thinking about what you are grateful for, the people you love and those who love you. Commit one small act of kindness and love everyday and see what fulfillment comes into your life.

Wishing you much love, health and wellness!

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