Thursday, December 5, 2013

Circle of Life - 3 Month Check-In

In September I published a post called Primary Foods in which I talked about what Primary Foods are and I described the Circle of Life exercise and what it is used for. Primary foods are sources of joy and satisfaction in our everyday life that help us feel fulfilled and purposeful. Primary foods sustain us in all the ways food nutrition cannot. The Circle of Life in the two pictures to the right is an exercise to help you figure out which Primary Foods need attention in your life.

Here's a refresher on how the Circle of Life exercise works:
  1. Place a dot on the line in each category to indicate how satisfied you are with each area.
    Place a dot at the center of the circle to indicate dissatisfaction or on the periphery to indicate satisfaction.
  2. Connect the dots to see your Circle of Life. 
  3. Identify imbalances. Determine where to spend more time and energy to create balance.

As you can see my Circle of Life in September was not a circle at all and had some very out of balance areas. In the past three months I have been posting about my efforts to address my Primary Foods that needed attention. I completed the exercise again last night which is the second picture:  “My Circle of Life – December 2013”. I was very surprised at the significant change. I knew there was going to be a difference in the two, but I was not expecting it to be so drastic. Since September all of the areas have improved and my circle looks a lot more like a circle!

The biggest change I have made that has had a positive affect on all of the areas of my Primary Food is in my Career. I made a decision that my job was having a very negative affect on the rest of my life and took steps to change it. You can read about how I came to my decision and the outcome in these two posts: Primary Foods - Career and Primary Foods - Career Part 2. Making the decision to empower myself has increased my Joy/Confidence, and improved my areas of Health, Relationships and my Career. I still have areas to work on and now I have the desire and ambition to do it!

This exercise has been eye opening for me and I believe it is a great way to first find the areas in your life that need balance and then to track your progress. I encourage everyone to try this exercise, see where you need balance and then make a list of action steps that will help you get there.

If you are interested in completing the Circle of Life for yourself please leave me your email in the comments section below and I will send the form to you.

Wishing you balance and joy!

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