Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 - Great Expectations!

I love the New Year, it always brings a great sense of new beginnings, anything is possible and nothing is unattainable. This year my resolution is to be nicer to myself, to love my self-more and to be less critical. Life is a long time and I don't want spend another second being less than loving with myself.

For me that means giving my body what it needs to renew itself. The human body is an amazing gift from the universe! It truly is a vessel of the soul without it we would not be able to have the wondrous and agonizing experiences of life. There would be no feelings of exhilaration, love, anger, joy or despair… all those feelings that let us know we are alive.

Our bodies take a lot of abuse from us, mostly because we have never been taught that we need to care for them and love them just as much as we do our families, friends and spouses. We barrage them with chemicals and foods that are hard to digest and have no value to the body. Because our bodies are so amazing they keep up with this constant insult doing the best they can to keep us alive and functioning well. However, just like any over-worked unappreciated being they eventually become overwhelmed and burned out. The job of cleansing and detoxing becomes too big and they start to slow down.

You may already be noticing this in your own body; you may be experiencing overload symptoms such as:
  • Brain fog
  • Indigestion
  • Heart Burn
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Body aches
  • Bloating
  • Weight gain
  • Poor Sleep
You may even have seen your doctor about these bothersome symptoms and received a prescription or recommendation for an over the counter remedy. You take the prescription or remedy and feel better for a little while and then the symptoms return or the side-effects of the prescription cause more problems.

Prescriptions and over the counter remedies definitely have their helpful uses, however in the long run they are not solving the problem, they are only hiding the symptoms so you can forget that there is a problem for a while longer. These symptoms are your body’s cries for help, attention and love.

A wholefoods cleanse or detox is a great way to give your body a much needed break and allow it to heal itself.

This is what two of my teachers at IIN are saying about detoxing:

Mark Hyman, MD, author of The Blood Sugar Solution:

“When our bodies become toxic, it means that our natural method of ushering out metabolic waste from normal human metabolism, environmental pollution, and what has become known as the Standard American Diet (or SAD) has exceeded the threshold for what the body’s innate detoxification system can tolerate. With this toxic load, every system in the human body can become affected. From our head to our toes and everything in between, toxicity makes us sick!”

Donna Gates, author of The Body Ecology Diet:

“Your body cleanses on a daily basis. It’s Nature’s gift to you that keeps illness away, gives you energy, and allows you to think clearly. But too many people are getting used to feeling “not so well”. Too many people live with the painful effects of a toxic system and remain unbalanced in their thinking, emotions, and physical health. You certainly don’t have to be one of them.”

Because of the way we live and eat our bodies are constantly bombarded with chemicals and toxic substances and they simply can’t keep up. A whole foods cleanse takes out the chemicals and toxic substances for a short period of time to allow the body to catch-up in the detoxing processes it performs every day.

The first item on my agenda in this new year of loving myself more is to give my body a break and to nourish it with fresh, whole, beautiful foods. I am working on an 11 day winter detox that will:
  • Revitalize my body
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reboot my cells
  • Help me lose weight naturally
I am looking forward to sharing this program with all of you when I have it finished. I can feel great things are coming!

What is your resolution for 2014? What are you excited about and what is one thing you can do in this month to help you achieve your goals?

Wishing you love and compassion in this exciting New Year!

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