Sunday, January 26, 2014

Eating Good & Feeling Good - 11 Day Winter Detox

I am happy to share the Eating Good & Feeling Good - 11 Day Winter Detox with you! As I mentioned in my post 2014 - Great Expectations creating this detox is the first item on my agenda in this new year of loving myself more.

If you have heard that detoxing is good for you and that it is usually done in the the Spring and Summer, then you may be wondering why you would want to do a detox in the winter.

Hippocrates, in teaching the doctors of his day, said, “Consider the seasons of the year and what each of them produces.”

Detoxing prepares your body for the next season, which is essential for optimal health and vitality. It improves your immune function, keeping the common cold at bay, which is an added benefit in the winter.

In the winter, we detox differently than at other times of the year, aiming to nourish and strengthen the body. Some animals hibernate, and we humans have a similar instinct to slow down. No matter where you live and what the climate is like in the winter, our bodies and minds naturally go inward this season. It is a time to allow for stillness and just be. 

Each season’s detox supports a different organ, emotion, and a different way to cleanse the body. For the winter season, in Chinese medicine we honor the organs within our bodies that give us energy, life, and vitality, which are the kidneys and adrenal glands. The element associated with these organs is water, and by eating seasonally and honoring the seasonal elements, we intuitively bring our bodies back into balance.

According to Chinese medicine, the kidneys are your energy source, also known as your vital Qi (pronounced “chee”). The following symptoms are associated with weak kidney function:

  • Low back pain
  • Fatigue
  • The afternoon 4 pm crash 
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Poor circulation
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Low sex drive
  • Digestive disorders
  • Sleep problems- especially if you wake at 4 am
The program I have developed will help you nourish the water element by bringing in more foods that nourish the kidneys and bladder this season. By eating the foods in the Eating Good & Feeling Good program, you will strengthen and support your vital energy force. You can think of your kidneys as your engine tank. Every car needs a well-functioning engine to run efficiently.

As you nourish your kidneys, you will see changes such as:

  • Your anxiety will lessen or disappear
  • Your hair will shine 
  • Your nails will strengthen
  • If you suffer from anemia, your iron count will improve
  • Bags under your eyes will diminish or disappear
  • Urinary tract problems will improve or go away
  • Lower back pain will lessen or subside
  • Your sleep will improve
  • Your cravings will subside

If you would like more information about the Eating Good & Feeling Good Winter Detox sign-up to receive a Free-Sneak Peak Booklet! In this booklet you will learn what is included in the detox and get a preview of what kind of recipes you will be enjoying during the detox. 

The official launch date is February 2, 2014 stay tuned!

Click on the picture to get the Sneak Peak!: 

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