Monday, January 20, 2014

Do you know what is in your Pet's food?

Oliver the Cat
My family and I were given a cat about two weeks ago; this was an exciting event for all of us. His name is Oliver and he a very sweet and pretty animal. As soon as we made the decision that we were going to take him we began thinking about food, kitty litter and other cat care items. We agreed that we didn’t want to feed Oliver a typical grain based chemical cat food mostly because we didn’t want to spend a large amount of money on cat food that would probably make him sick when we could very likely feed him the food we eat and keep him healthy. Since we don’t have any knowledge of what whole foods are safe for cats, we looked up and purchased a book called “The Whole Pet Diet, Eight Weeks to Great Health for Dogs and Cats” by Andi Brown so we could figure exactly what whole foods Oliver can eat.

I started reading the book as soon as it came in the mail I was surprised when in the first 17 pages it read just like the nutrition and health books I have read. It talked about the “Pet Food Industry” designing its food to make it irresistible to pets even though it’s filled with chemicals, grains, salt and sugar. Does this sound familiar to you? In this book Andi also talks about the diseases our pets are being diagnosed with in recent years and how it’s on the rise. These are diseases such as; liver disease, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, skin problems, digestive disorders, tumors, and joint and back problems. This is where the pharmaceutical industry comes in and makes all kinds of expensive drugs and treatments so that we can keep our pets alive.

Do you see the parallel here? American pets are getting sick eating the same type of diet that American humans are eating; grain, sugar, salt and chemical laden foods. The thought of giving a pet insulin shots for diabetes just seems absurd to me, since when do animals get diabetes? Apparently since their food supply was adulterated with the same things that make us humans develop diabetes.

So what does Andi say is a good diet for cats and dogs? Surprise, surprise its whole foods based, includes vegetables, good quality meat, some greens and those wonderful essential fatty acids. Again does this sound familiar? It makes so much sense to me after reading it, if grain, sugar, salt and chemical foods are killing us humans what makes us think these products are any better for our pets who have less robust systems than ours?  Andi’s book is an eight week program that addresses more than what to feed our cats and dogs but also address our pets Primary Foods. It is a holistic approach to our pets health that will keep them happy and healthy for many years. I am very excited about this book and I cannot wait to get started with the program. Our sweet cat Oliver will be getting whole nutritious foods and feeling vital and energized just we do!

Please take note of your pets health, are they feeling energized, happy and full of life? If not it may be time to think about how their health can be improved. I highly recommend this book if you are interested in holistic health for your pets.

Wishing you and your pets fulfilled and happy lives!

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